National Network for Cryo-ET Centers: Webinars and Recordings
Webinars and videos from the National Network for Cryo-Electron Tomography Centers are available here for viewing.
2022: Steenbock Symposium Workshops at UW-Madison
2021: Cryo-ET Webinar Series
UW Madison Cryo-EM Center 2022 Krios Tomography Workshop
Date: 2022-06-07
Steenbock Symposium 2022 - UW-Madison Cryo-EM Research Center
Workshop 5: Taking my (multi-)shot! Cryo-electron tomography on the Krios G3 and Krios G4.
Hosted by Daniel Parrell (UW-Madison), and Zoltan Metlagel (ThermoFisherScientific)
UW Madison Cryo-EM Center 2022 Cryo-FIB Workshop
Date: 2022-06-07
Steenbock Symposium 2022 - UW-Madison Cryo-EM Research Center
Workshop 4: Can you make it thinner? Cryo-FIB milling cells with the Aquilos 2 cryo-FIB.
Hosted by Sergey Suslov (ThermoFisherScientific)
UW Madison Cryo-EM Center 2022 CLEM Workshop
Date: 2022-06-07
Steenbock Symposium 2022 - UW-Madison Cryo-EM Research Center
Workshop 3: Is that my complex? Advanced cryo-CLEM with the Leica Cryo-confocal CLEM or cryo-CLEM systems for accurate correlation in cellular environments.
Hosted by Jae Yang (UW-Madison), Haridas Pudavar, Louise Bertrand, and James Marr (Leica)
Structural studies of virus infection using CLEM, FIB and cryo-ET by Jie E. Yang, MCCET
Date: 2021-08-12
Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) has revolutionized biological research by providing nanometer-scale resolution 3D reconstructions of biological structures, such as purified complexes, viruses, bacteria and archaea, and eukaryotic cells. In this webinar, Jie provides an introduction to the techniques of CLEM, cryo-FIB, and cryo-ET with a focus on the cell-virus interactions. Jie presents on the structural studies of viral infections and the development of high-precision cryo-CLEM flexible workflows.
Preparation of select murine brain sections for HPF, cryo-CLEM, and cryo-ET, Michael H.B. Stowell, CCET
Date: 2021-07-29
Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) has revolutionized biological research by providing nanometer-scale resolution 3D reconstructions of biological structures, such as purified complexes, viruses, bacteria and archaea, and eukaryotic cells. Michael H.B. Stowell of the CU Boulder Center for Cryo Electron Tomography will present on preparing murine brain sections with HPF, cryo-CLEM, and cryo-FIB techniques. The webinar provides a background on the isolation of tissues, embedding in agar, vibratome sectioning, and use of high-pressure freezing techniques.
Correlative cryogenic light and electron microscopy and tomography, Gong-Her Wu, SCSC
Date: 2021-07-22
Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) has revolutionized biological research by providing nanometer-scale resolution 3D reconstructions of biological structures, such as purified complexes, viruses, bacteria and archaea, and eukaryotic cells. Gong-Her Wu presents an overview of the imaging technologies and resolution ranges. This talk covers workflows for multi-scale cryo-correlative imaging of cells including confocal microscopy, cryo-EM, and cryo-FIB-SEM.
High pressure freezing, the waffle method and cryo-FIB, Mykhailo Kopylov, NCITU
Date: 2021-07-15
Mykhailo Kopylov from the National Center for In-situ Tomographic Ultramicroscopy (NCITU) presents on the High-Pressure Freezing "waffle" method for vitrification of samples including mammalian cells, cell clumps like bacteria or yeasts, purified proteins, large cells and cell aggregates, and tissues with 10 um limit. He provides an overview of the problems for vitrification of samples and how the HPF waffle technique provides new sample workflows.
An introduction to cryo-ET and overview of the National Network for Cryo-ET
Date: 2021-07-08
Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) has revolutionized biological research by providing nanometer-scale resolution 3D reconstructions of biological structures, such as purified complexes, viruses, bacteria and archaea, and eukaryotic cells. The National Network for Cryo-Electron Tomography is an NIH-funded consortium whose mission is to provide access to both the instrumentation and expert staff for advancing the original research of scientific investigators and for training those new to cryo-electron tomography. Join us in this webinar series to learn more about this network and about how you can access these world-class cryo-electron tomography resources in your research program.
This webinar introduces the National Network for Cryo-ET Centers. Short introductions are given by each of the facility starting with NCITU, then CCET, SCSC, and MCCET.